Will the ‘Nuclear Renaissance’ save AI?

Voice Agents and AI: From Playful Pranks to Sinister Scams

Code of Justice: Examining AI's Role in the US Criminal Justice System

Unreal Flavors, Unreal Place: The Rise of Fake Fine Dining

smartR AI Black Mirror Vlog

SB 1047: A controversial bill

A Lords Guide to Regulating AI: pro-innovation can be pro-regulation

The Nobel Prize Scandal: has AI slithered its way in?

Good Riddance TikTok

China vs America: race to AI domination

Artificial Intimacy: A deadly love affair?

AI spells out the end of truth in politics

Levelling Up: How AI is Powering the Future of Gaming

Is AI free to say whatever it wants?

Freedom of Expression and AI Censorship: Is this the end of free speech?

AI and the Olympics: what’s next?

Common sense isn’t that common, especially in AI

Myth buster: will AI take over all the jobs?

Where are we headed with AI and the challenges of copyright and IP laws?

Cybercrime and LLMs: Friend or Foe

AI software ownership, evolution or revolution?

A safe environment or an environment of fear?

GPT: Partnering with Edinburgh University EPCC to compare two advanced hardware setups designed for optimized parallel computation

Why is quality data important for AI?

The AI menu

What do Sherlock Holmes, a self-obsessed musical automaton, and a robotic bin have in common?

Technology and development: a recipe for disaster?

Turning the AI black box into a glass box

Could the next technological development let you chat with your service animal or pet?

Good vs evil robots

Behind the scenes at smartR AI

ChatGPT: Overhyped or badly used

The eyes you can't hide from

From stone age to cutting edge tech: disparities in digital maturity across healthcare

The doctor on your wrist

Staying alert - the alarm that saves entire regions

The therapist without emotions

How to put the care back into healthcare

Decoding Humans

A world of lies: Living in the age of generative data

Synthetic data: the generative AI cure for medical advancements